首发 x 吴宏彬、张玉洁 | Fundermax中国展厅:引木入室木居之道 - "引木入室,逐木而居",这不仅仅是一种居住方式的描述,更是对中华文化中木文化深刻理解的诗意表达。在悠久的历史长河中,木材以其独特的温润质感、自然纹理与强大的生命力,成为了中华民族构建生活空间、寄托情感与哲思的重要媒介。 跨越时空的对话 Dialogue across time and space 展厅的设计摒弃了传统展厅的繁复与堆砌,转而以800平方米的广阔空间为载体,采用折中主义的手法,巧妙地融合了古今中外的美学元素。这不仅仅是一次空间的重新布局,更是一场穿越时空的文化对话,让古老的木作技艺与现代设计理念在此交汇,碰撞出独特的火花。 The design of the exhibition hall abandons the complexity and stacking of the traditional exhibition hall, turns to the vast space of 800 square meters as the carrier, adopts the method of eclecticism, and skillfully integrates the aesthetic elements of ancient and modern China and foreign countries. This is not only a re-layout of space, but also a cultural dialogue through time and space, so that ancient wood skills and modern design concepts meet here, colliding with unique sparks. 五行之美,木之韵 The beauty of the five lines of wood of rhyme 五行学说,作为中国古代哲学的重要组成部分,深刻影响着中华文化的方方面面。在展厅中,设计团队巧妙地将五行之美融入其中,尤其是强调了“木”这一元素的灵动与生机。通过木材的选用、色彩的搭配以及光影的运用,营造出一种自然和谐、宁静致远的氛围,让参观者在感受产品之美的同时,也能深刻体会到中国传统文化中“天人合一”的哲学思想。 The theory of five elements, as an important part of ancient Chinese philosophy, has deeply influenced every aspect of Chinese culture. In the exhibition hall, the design team cleverly integrated the beauty of the five elements, especially emphasizing the agility and vitality of the "wood" element. Through the selection of wood, the collocation of colors and the use of light and shadow, it creates a natural, harmonious, quiet and far-reaching atmosphere, allowing visitors to feel the beauty of the product, but also deeply appreciate the philosophical thought of "harmony between heaven and man" in traditional Chinese culture. 细节之处见真章 The details are in the book 在细节的处理上,Fundermax展厅更是下足了功夫。每一处设计都经过精心雕琢,力求做到既简约而不失精致,既现代又不失传统韵味。从材料的质感、线条的流畅度到色彩的搭配,都透露出设计团队对美的极致追求和对文化传承的深刻理解。这些细节的呈现,不仅提升了展厅的整体品质感,更让参观者在细微之处感受到中国文化的博大精深。 In the processing of details, the Fundermax exhibition hall is full of efforts. Each design has been carefully crafted, and strive to achieve both simple and exquisite, both modern and traditional charm. From the texture of materials, the fluency of lines to the matching of colors, all reveal the design team's ultimate pursuit of beauty and deep understanding of cultural inheritance. The presentation of these details not only enhances the overall quality of the exhibition hall, but also allows visitors to feel the broad and profound Chinese culture in the subtle aspects. 情感与艺术的交融 The blending of emotion and art 最终,Fundermax展厅的这次创新之旅,不仅仅是一场产品的展示,更是一次情感与艺术的交融。在这里,木材不再仅仅是建筑材料,而是成为了传递情感、表达艺术的重要载体。参观者可以在这个充满木韵的空间中,感受到家的温暖、文化的厚重以及艺术的魅力,从而实现心灵上的共鸣与升华。 In the end, this innovative journey in the Fundermax exhibition hall is not only a product display, but also a blend of emotion and art. Here, wood is no longer just a building material, but has become an important carrier for conveying emotions and expressing art. Visitors can feel the warmth of home, the depth of culture and the charm of art in this space full of wood rhyme, so as to achieve spiritual resonance and sublimation. 总之,“引木入室,逐木而居”的Fundermax展厅创新之旅,是一次对中华木文化的现代演绎,也是一次对美学与文化传承的深刻探索。它让我们看到,在快速变化的现代社会中,传统文化依然能够焕发出新的生命力,成为连接过去与未来的桥梁。 In short, the Fundermax exhibition hall innovation tour of "leading wood into the house, living wood by wood" is a modern interpretation of Chinese wood culture, and also a profound exploration of aesthetics and cultural inheritance. It shows us that in the fast-changing modern society, traditional culture can still glow with new vitality and become a bridge between the past and the future. 平面图 项目名称 | Fundermax中国展厅 项目地址 | 滨江六空8090馆1F 项目面积 | 800m² 完工时间 | 2024年6月 设计顾问 | 谢天 主创设计 | 吴宏彬、张玉洁 设计公司 | 南術设计 摄影单位 | 翰墨视觉 关于设计师 |